Snap Spectacles

The next Generation Spectacles

(AR wearable)

Roles: Creative Direction, Social

Spectacles by Snap are a cutting-edge line of eyewear specifically designed to capture videos for Snapchat. The latest iteration of Spectacles represents the world's first pair of glasses that offer augmented reality experiences. In my capacity as the creative lead at 1000heads, Snap's social agency, I led the creative direction for social content creation, new product launches, and campaign creative directions in partnership with internal teams, AR creators, and clients.

Social Mission

First, we aim to inspire. By leveraging strategic partnerships, we spotlight the transformative power of AR, showing our audience the groundbreaking potential these technologies hold.

Snap Spectacles x LA Rams Partnership

Next, it's about empowerment. Through targeted product education, we equip our community with the knowledge to unlock their creative potential using Snap Spectacles.

Connected Lenses feature debut during Snap Partnership Summit

Brand awareness is key. Our goal is to position Snap Spectacles as a trusted ally for creators building the future, turning our brand into a beacon of innovative credibility.

Finally, collaboration is crucial. We are committed to working hand-in-hand with creators and industry partners, ushering in an AR-enhanced world, shaped by shared visions and collective creativity.

Creator Collaborations